To U.S. President Barack Obama: "The best is yet to come"

Congratulations, Mr. Obama, his re-election fills me with satisfaction and hope. But now, Dear Mr. President, to honor in full its motto: "The best is yet to come." Yes, the best is yet to come, for the millions of his countrymen, especially blacks and hispanics, who believed in her, who wept and rejoiced simple and gentle man who has chosen to be on their side, the side of the weakest, the poorest, most defenseless, those suffering most. Because life for the most vulnerable, in America, as in other rich countries of the world, it is very difficult: difficult for the humiliation he must suffer every day because of their conditions of poverty, difficult for the ruthless comparison with the overwhelming power of the rich and powerful.
And then redistribute wealth, drain off 'to those who had so much in life to give to the weak, is not a utopia, indeed, it is a duty which can not and must not shirk. Health care reform that you, among numerous difficulties, has launched, it was an important first step, but now we need more, more is needed, it must restore hope and a smile to those who for too long has been the corner, considered inferior just because had a different color of their skin or other physical features. Because we, dear President, as Martin Luther King, we are "those dreams," those who cultivate in their hearts the dream of a better world, in which domains the arrogance of power and money, but the richness and domains strength of hearts.

And "the best is yet to come," Dear Mr. President, in foreign policy. You're not any, you are a person who is part of the small circle of those who were honored with the Nobel Prize for Peace: the highest honor, but also maximum charge, every effort to live up to, not to disappoint. When you came to Europe the day after his first election, and crowds cheered him, and when she, in his speech in Cairo, kept glued to radio and television millions of Arabs, he touched the hearts and moved his hopes for a better world, where they could eventually dominate the mutual respect and mutual acceptance.
In those areas of the world, in recent times has happened a lot, even great, also thanks to him, but now need to complete the work, I know that the commitment is very heavy, that the resistance and mistrust are very large, but only you can do it.

Restore dignity and future of a people (the Palestinians), who for many years has been humiliated and hurt, it is a duty that can not escape, and I am sure, will not shirk. Because the train of peace in the world, although it may seem strange, goes right for that "piece of land" disputed for years by two peoples. It does not seem unlikely that the "peace of the world depends on what happens in that area." That little area is a symbol, the symbol of the "weakest that you have to bow before the overwhelming power of the strongest." And the symbols, you know, as such, are always small, but full of significance and force big enough to stir the consciences of millions of people.

You'll experience a unique opportunity, now that certain conditions and certain brakes are less inexorably, to be delivered to the gratitude of the whole world, to be delivered to the boundless pride of the Nation - guide you represent, to be delivered to History.

Thanks in advance, I'm sure I do not disappoint.
Yes, we can, very strong, and with the heart.